"neblinas.com" is a commercial name for the company Conquista Exigente Unipessoal Lda. registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Cabeceiras de Basto under no. 513416366
This privacy policy sets out how neblinas.com uses and protects any information that customers provide on the neblinas.com website. neblinas.com is committed to guaranteeing your privacy. neblinas.com may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure you understand and accept any changes.
Your personal data is collected and processed by neblinas.com for purposes strictly linked to the use of this website, services and purchase of products. Your personal data may also be used for other processing operations for the following purposes:
- Whenever you carry out a purchase process for products sold on this website, we collect your personal data (e.g. email address, delivery address and telephone number) in the purchase form, solely for the purposes of sale, separation and transport of ordered products.
- Whenever you request service assistance, we collect your personal data (e.g. name, email address) for the purpose of providing you with online store Customer Support services that are relevant to this website and assistance ;
- Whenever you record a delivery address, we collect your personal data in order to simplify the preparation of your future orders.
neblinas.com guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by its customers. The collection and processing of data is carried out securely, which prevents its loss or manipulation, serving for the processing of respective orders and additional information about the store's contents.
neblinas.com does not disclose or sell its customers' data to third parties, therefore all information is confidential. Access to information is restricted and is used only for communicating with the Customer, processing their orders, payment, shipping and after-sales assistance.
The customer may, at any time, request the modification of their data or its deletion from the database.